What does it mean to lead? To lead is to be an example for others to follow. Leaders go first, show first, and use their own actions as an example. Leaders don’t ask others unless they are willing to go first and guide the way for their team.

Leadership is essential in all businesses and becoming an effective leader doesn’t happen overnight. To grow as a leader takes time and commitment of learning new ways to not only motivate yourself, but others.


  • Communication

Strong leaders know the importance of being able to communicate well and understand communication is the foundation of effective leadership. Creating a schedule to meet with your team on a regular basis to make space to spend time talking, problem solving, and of course listening. Communication is just as much about listening as it is talking. Practicing strong communication skills will help build culture and trust.


  • Honesty

Honesty is such an important trait for a leader. Being honest helps gain respect for those who you inspire. Start with being honest about who you are, and what you stand for is important to gain respect. Just because you are a leader doesn’t mean you are perfect and your ideas are always the best, the power of admitting to your mistakes and being honesty only grows a deeper credibility with your team.


  • Integrity

Leaders with integrity practice what they preach and stand for what they believe in. Doing exactly what you said you would do long after the moment when you said it in has passed. We do business with integrity is a broad statement I find myself saying often, but what does that mean? Simply put, we always act in honor whether that is with our team or our guests. Having integrity within your business creates better decision making, trust, and teamwork.



Effective leaders are dedicated to developing their skills to be able to best serve their team. As a leader your role is to inspire and motivated your team through the vision you have set. Develop strong relationships to identify your teams’ strengths which allows you to help your team reach their full potential. Creating a strong culture provides a strong atmosphere for your business to thrive in. By creating a great atmosphere, it will support and encourage your team.


Remember people don’t want to be managed, they want to be lead, so lead from the front.