J. Faith Hair Studio recently closed out their 2nd annual book bag drive and with the help of loyal clients, local businesses, families, and friends we collected 109 book bags filled with school supplies. Proving to be a community hair studio.


These supplies were donated to SERV on August 28th, to children affected by domestic violence.

When a victim decides to leave their abuser, it can happen within minutes with only the clothes on their backs. The children don’t always understand what is on except that they have to leave their home, school, friends, and family members. One of the many reasons why a victim will not leave their abuser is because they have no way to provide for their children. By donating the necessary supplies these children need for a successful back to school year, it takes the pressure off of the victim and gives reassurance that this is the best thing for the children.

J.Faith Hair Studio is so passionate about this fundraiser because we believe it represents hope. Hope to achieve a better life for the victim and the children. If we truly want to make a change, it all starts with our children. Thank you, Fast Response Plumbing, and everyone who made this fundraiser a complete success.