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Category Archives: Community

J.Faith Hair Studio Celebrates the 8th Annual Book Bag Fundraiser: Changing Lives One Backpack at a Time

Over a decade ago, I had an eye-opening conversation with a domestic violence advocate that changed the course of my life—and my salon’s community involvement. I discovered that children residing in domestic violence safe houses often returned to school with nothing more than their belongings in a garbage bag. These children, who had already faced unimaginable hardship and trauma, were also deprived of the essential educational resources they desperately needed. This grim reality became the catalyst for the creation of J.Faith Hair Studio’s annual Book Bag Fundraiser.

Making an Impact Year After Year

For the past eight years, we have been steadfast in our commitment to ensuring that the children in our community’s domestic violence safe houses are well-equipped for a successful academic year. Through the collective efforts of our dedicated stylists, supportive families, friends, and our wonderful clientele, we have managed to donate over 700 book bags filled with invaluable school supplies.

The Importance of Raising Awareness

Beyond the backpacks and the school supplies, our efforts aim to shine a spotlight on an often-overlooked segment of our community: children residing in domestic violence safe houses. Raising awareness about these children is not only crucial for their immediate protection and healing, but also vital for their long-term well-being. By empowering these young minds with the tools they need for educational success, we are contributing to a more supportive society—one that can effectively break the cycle of violence and provide these children with opportunities for a brighter future.

A Heartfelt Thank You

We want to extend our deepest gratitude to each and every person who has joined forces with us to make this fundraiser exceptionally successful year after year. We are thrilled to announce that this year alone, we’ve contributed 61 book bags brimming with school supplies to SERV, an organization dedicated to helping survivors of domestic violence.

In conclusion, the Book Bag Fundraiser has become more than an event; it’s a movement that’s touching lives, changing futures, and strengthening our community. Thank you for your continued support, and here’s to making an even greater impact in the years to come.

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J.Faith Hair Studio holds 4th annual Book Bag Fundraiser for Domestic Violence

J.Faith Hair Studio recently closed out their 4th annual book bag drive and with the help of loyal clients, families, and friends they collected 59 book bags filled with school supplies, proving to be a community hair studio.

These books bags were donated to SERV, children affected by domestic violence.

When a victim decides to leave their abuser, it can happen within minutes with only the clothes on their backs. The children do not always understand what is happening except they have to leave their home, school, friends, and family members. One of the reasons why victims do not leave their abuser is because they have no other way to provide for their children. By donating the necessary supplies these children need for a successful school year, it takes the pressure off of the victim and gives reassurance that this is the best thing for the children.

J.Faith Hair Studio is passionate about giving back in this way because it represents hope. Hope to achieve a better life for the victim and the children. If we want to make a change, we need to start with the children.

J.Faith Hair Studio would like to thank everyone who supports our hair studio and our fundraising.

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J. Faith Hair Studio takes a stand against Domestic Violence.

J. Faith Hair Studio recently closed out their 2nd annual book bag drive and with the help of loyal clients, local businesses, families, and friends we collected 109 book bags filled with school supplies. Proving to be a community hair studio.


These supplies were donated to SERV on August 28th, to children affected by domestic violence.

When a victim decides to leave their abuser, it can happen within minutes with only the clothes on their backs. The children don’t always understand what is on except that they have to leave their home, school, friends, and family members. One of the many reasons why a victim will not leave their abuser is because they have no way to provide for their children. By donating the necessary supplies these children need for a successful back to school year, it takes the pressure off of the victim and gives reassurance that this is the best thing for the children.

J.Faith Hair Studio is so passionate about this fundraiser because we believe it represents hope. Hope to achieve a better life for the victim and the children. If we truly want to make a change, it all starts with our children. Thank you, Fast Response Plumbing, and everyone who made this fundraiser a complete success.

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